One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Vice President for Academics

Find out about Christ-Centered Education and Faculty »

Welcome! At Cedarville University we embrace a philosophy of Christ-centered higher education and we provide that education through the presentation of a distinctly biblical worldview. Principles from God's Word guide discussions about ethics, business, politics, education, creation, literature, theatre, the media, and every other subject. At Cedarville, academics mean much more than learning information and practicing skills.  In short, we help prepare men and women to serve and lead with excellence.

This site is a central place where members of our University family can access policies, processes, and current information related to the Academic Division. Thank you for taking advantage of this resource. Please visit our contact us page if we can provide additional information not included on these pages.

Thomas Mach, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academics 


Dogwood trees bloom in front of Founders Hall

Center for Teaching and Learning

White male typing on a laptop


Male types up information on a computer


picture of the Cove table, chairs, and whiteboard
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